Learn how to effortlessly attract and inspire your ideal candidates and sell your program like a superstar in 7 days or less with the 6 savvy secrets of High-ticket Sales in the...


 Enrollment Mastery Program

Gratitude Gift #2

Watch the video below to learn the
6 Savvy Secrets of High-Ticket Sales...


Once you gain full access to your member's portal you will realize it was the best decision you've ever made because you will be learning a most valuable life-skill that will serve you as long as you live.

To make your course easy and fulfilling and to ensure you learn the material, we are delivering it to you across several forms of media: Browser, Email, Member Website, Live Coaching, Video, Audio, Quizzes, Downloadable Worksheets, Automated Script Generator, Exercises, Live Online Workshops, Campaigning, Community Forum and SMS.

View some highlights below...



Downloadable Workbook

 A workbook to get your enrollment conversation dialed in so you have a reference for the key concepts for this program. 

Always be prepared with custom sales scripts

When you complete Enrollment Mastery, you will be able to download a .pdf file of your custom sales script. You will be able to go back and change your script anytime for different scenarios, and you can download as many scripts as you can create!

Certificate of Accreditation

Upon Completion, you will be able to download your very own Certificate of Accreditation in Enrollment Mastery. These credentials will make you a valuable leader of any sales force.

Reach more of the people who need you with this exclusive BONUS!

Everyone who completes Enrollment Mastery will also get SECRET PLAYBOOK of the Top 12 Marketing Campaign and Sales Formulas. These are hands-down, the most effective and simplest formulas that I've ever seen and... even if you use just 3 of them, you will have more going for you than any other marketer in your niche.

Take the full course and get instant access to everything you need to get your Personal Development Program making sales!  

Seriously!!! How long can you tread water without this advantage?

Once you complete the Enrollment Mastery Course you will feel confident with sales, be selective about your clients and get paid what you are worth!

 Members who complete the course will get a Master of Enrollment badge and a Certificate of Accreditation in Enrollment Mastery from the ENTERPRISE ACADEMY.

So your business can boldly go where no business has gone before!!!


Take a deep breath
and reflect on your awesomeness
while we gather your resources...